Business modul Donald Trump is the 45 th President of the United States of America.
The American started to vote last week. They had to choose between three candidates. The most important clans were the Democrates and the Republicans. The Democrate chairman was the former First Lady and state secretary Hillary Clinton and the Republican chairman was the business mogul Donald Trump.
For east to west, north to south, the US citizens had to choose for those candidates.
The race to the White House really started when the vote bureau closed. Trump was already on top of the race.
The battle was really hard in Florida when they start counting the polls. Then Trump had Clinton on his back. As the polls were revealed, the table turned. Trump was the Florida State, one of the important swing state.
He then won the poll in Florida.
In the mean time, Hillary Clinton won in Delaware, Washington DC and Rhode Island.
Trump was good. He won other swing states.
He won North Carolina and Ohio. Then Trump won three states at the same time.
The Clinton clan had a little faith when they saw Hillary Clinton distancing Trump.
Congratulations Donald Trump!!!